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Raw material prices rose quarter on quarter, polyester market rose quarter on quarter
Release date: [2024/7/17]  Read total of [89] times

"China Keqiao Textile Index" 20240715 textile price index closed at 105.09 points, down 0.04% month-on-month, down 0.05% from the beginning of the year, down 0.28% year-on-year.

First, the price of raw materials rose quarter-on-quarter, the polyester market rose quarter-on-quarter, and the price of pure cotton yarn was basically stable

According to monitoring, the current raw material price index closed at 82.95 points, up 0.36% month-on-month, up 1.12% from the beginning of the year, up 0.62% year-on-year.

1, polyester raw materials up and down, polyester market rose

The current polyester raw material price index rose from the previous quarter. Recent East China PTA spot mainstream 5952 yuan/ton, down 158 yuan/ton; MEG mainstream 4822.5 yuan/ton, up 90 yuan/ton; Polyester chip market prices fell quarter on quarter, Jiangsu and Zhejiang semi-optical chip cash or March acceptance of about 7150 yuan/ton, down 25 yuan/ton quarter on quarter. Xiaoshao area polyester filament transaction increased, the price rose. Upstream raw material prices continue to be high, but with the autumn and winter orders slightly heating up, some manufacturers just need to purchase raw materials to support order production, weaving enterprises raw material inventory narrow increase.

2, the price of pure cotton yarn is basically stable, and the price of human cotton yarn is stable and mutual

Recently, Xiaoshao region pure cotton yarn market transactions still show a contraction, the price is basically stable. Recently, a small number of autumn and winter orders have been issued, the market demand has signs of slow start, demand for C32S and above pure cotton yarn, but the current orders mainly flow to large and medium-sized weaving enterprises, small factories limited production, shut down status has not changed, the entire cotton yarn, grey fabric market still need to "time for space".

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