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Jingzhou City organized the third centralized meeting of textile printing and dyeing enterprises
Release date: [2024/9/12]  Read total of [24] times

On September 5, Jingzhou City economic development District fire rescue brigade organized the third centralized interview meeting of textile printing and dyeing enterprises. All the fire supervisors of the fire rescue brigade of the economic development district and the heads of 14 textile enterprises attended the meeting.

After the special rectification interview meeting of textile enterprises on July 24, the fire rescue brigade of the economic development district further implemented the fire safety management of textile enterprises in the jurisdiction and deepened the promotion of fire safety work. In the third meeting, the brigade continued to follow up the progress of hidden danger rectification, and carried out a detailed deployment of the next step.

The meeting stressed that hidden dangers should be continuously followed up. The brigade will continue to urge enterprises to carry out hidden danger rectification according to the "factory in factory" and "garden in garden" special inspection work plan for fire safety to ensure that every measure can be implemented. The meeting also emphasized the responsibility of enterprises in fire safety management, requiring enterprises to promptly carry out self-inspection and rectification of hidden dangers in strict accordance with the time node of supervision. At the same time, to increase the frequency of inspections, for enterprises that have not taken substantive action, will be the focus of law enforcement, the brigade will report to the management committee, and according to the instructions of the leadership, urge its rectification in place.

The interview further improved the understanding of the importance of fire safety of textile printing and dyeing enterprises in the jurisdiction, strengthened the implementation of the main responsibility for fire safety of enterprises, pointed out the direction for enterprise rectification, and laid a solid foundation for eliminating the hidden dangers of textile enterprises and creating a stable fire safety situation in the jurisdiction.

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