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How to make the meeting streamlined and decision-making? See how CEOs of famous companies say!
Release date: [2018/6/1]  Read total of [962] times

Get rid of the purgatory of bad meetings and enter a paradise for productive productivity. What are the famous executives of companies such as LinkedIn, Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon that have strategies against invalid meetings?

A recent survey conducted by Harvard Business Review shows that a weekly executive meeting can occupy up to 300000 hours per year. Ineffective conferences are full of sloppy leadership speeches, tacky slides, and painful silences rather than brainstorming to help solve problems. We all suffered from such meetings.

How do successful corporate executives respond to this problem?

The following summarizes the meeting skills of seven outstanding managers who can help us break free of the purgatory of bad meetings into a productive and productive arena.

Beginning with Achievements LinkedIn CEO -- Jeff Weiner

Before starting to discuss the immediate work, Jeff Weiner asked everyone to share last week's personal success and professional achievements.

He said that this will allow the meeting to have a positive energy from the beginning; otherwise it will easily fall into a lot of complaints.

If you are interested in making the meeting as short as possible, you may wish to share some good news or the company’s recent success at the beginning of the meeting.

Freedom is an integral part of collaborative meetings Pixar CEO --Ed Catmull

The meeting must be a place to put aside the alert, people can freely make suggestions without feeling embarrassed or worried about being judged.

Ed Catmull thinks the first thought people came up with is often bad. So your job is not to be successful on your first attempt, but to come up with an idea that is pleasing to the surface but has the potential to slowly polish it until it shines. To create an open atmosphere, people can share the ugly first ideas, which is a necessary measure to promote the success of the team and create the vitality of the team.

Using data to support decision-making Yahoo! CEO -- Marissa Mayer

Most meetings are used to make decisions. This process usually involves discussions. People discuss multiple options, express their opinions, and find a way to reach consensus. Frequently, the final decision results are arrived at arbitrarily or according to the principle of the minority obeying the majority.

Marissa Mayer's method of cutting time is: Ask every person who proposes new ideas to provide data to support their own views. In this way, decisions can be made quickly and completely based on data, rather than based on opinion or office politics.

Based on the data will also reduce the number of bad hypotheses, so as to avoid the idea that previous ideas were found to be wrong in subsequent conferences, thereby wasting unnecessary time and resources.

Every meeting has a decision maker Google CEO -- Larry Page

One of the first steps LarryPage made after he took over from Google was to send a memo to the entire company to reorganize their meeting system. His efficiency rule is: no more than 10 people in a meeting; each meeting needs a decision maker in the room and cannot wait until after the meeting begins to start making decisions.

You don't need to get the approval of the entire committee before making every decision, otherwise you will continue to call the meeting or wait for everyone to have time to move on. In addition, there is a decision maker at each meeting, and they can quickly make choices and move forward immediately.

Keep your invitation list in single digits Apple CEO -- Steve Jobs

Only those who are absolutely necessary will attend the meeting. No matter what their status is, no one else needs to attend the meeting. Jobs believes that too many people and voices will produce counterproductive results. President Barack Obama once held a meeting of high-tech leaders. Apple CEO Steve Jobs excluded himself because he thought the list of guests was too long and he did not need to attend. Therefore, keep your invitation list in single digits whenever possible.

Debate Before Making a Decision Amazon CEO-- Jeff Bezos

One trend that Jeff Bezos disagrees with is that a group of people quickly agree, simply because that is the simplest and most comfortable solution. He actively encourages everyone to challenge each other and debate before making a decision.

Do not unnecessarily lengthen the meeting for pointless debates, but do not let the team simply choose the path of least resistance in order to save time. Ask the participants directly for their views on the proposals or topics, or ask two people to debate when discussing the pros and cons of a major decision.

Set the agenda and stick to it Facebook CEO-- Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl Sandberg took a notebook with every meeting and recorded a detailed list of discussion points and action items. As the conference progresses, she will check out the items in the list one by one. Once each item is completed, she will tear off the one-page notes and the meeting will end here. If you can't extract the goals of the conference into a few clear points, what is the point of meeting in the first place?


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